Restoring a Single PostgreSQL Table From Heroku PGBackups

The following code uses the default Heroku app in the given folder. If there are multiple apps in the folder, specify the app with -a APP, --app APP where necessary.

Before beginning, it’s a good idea to capture a current backup of the database by running the following command, in case anything goes wrong. The --expire switch deletes the oldest backup.

$ heroku pgbackups:capture --expire

1. Get a list of database backups

$ heroku pgbackups

2. Download a database dump from a backup

Here, a405 is the backup name, obtained above.

$ curl -o mydb.dump `heroku pgbackups:url a405`

3. Create a local database

You’ll need to set up a local database to import the data and then extract the table. You can set one up as follows. The local database name will be used in the following example as well, if you’re using a pre-existing local database.

$ createdb mydb

4. Restore the local database from the dump file

Replace the user name and change any other switches as necessary.

$ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d mydb mydb.dump

5. Dump the table

Selectively dump the table by running the following command specifying the table name in the -t mytable switch.

$ pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -t mytable mydb > mytable.dump

You can find the table name by opening the database in the PostgreSQL terminal

$ psql mydb
mydb=# \dt

where \dt outputs a list of all database table names (relations).

6. Upload the table dump file

In order to import the dump file into the database on Heroku, Heroku requires that the dump file be uploaded somewhere with an HTTP-accessible URL. They recommend Amazon S3, so upload the the mytable.dump dump file of the database table to an S3 bucket using a tool such as Cyberduck.

7. Restore the table dump into the database

Heroku will ask you to confirm by entering the app name. The default DATABASE should work. Tables not included in the backup should not be affected.

$ heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE ''

As noted at the beginning, if anything goes wrong and you need to restore from the most recent backup, that can be accomplished with the following command, where a405 is the name of the backup obtained with the command in step 1:

$ heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE a405

You probably don’t want that data lying around locally, especially if it’s production data, so drop the local database and delete the dump files locally and from the S3 bucket.

$ dropdb mydb
$ rm -P mydb.dump
$ rm -P mytable.dump
